While I'm not a fan of purchasing replica Eames, this actually looks like a great buy. Sometimes not only is hard to afford these vintage chairs, its hard to find them as well.
Hi Kylie! Can I just say that I really enjoyed reading your post! This is a topic that's of interest to myself and my husband (who works in a creative industry).
We too own original designer pieces and some replicas. I must admit I would feel incredibly uncomfortable buying a replica of a designer who was establishing their career or probably even still living so our replicas have been Eames products (which one day, when we have more money and the replicas have seen better days we intend on replacing with the 'real deal').
One thing can be said for the originals though - they are much more likely to be higher quality than the replicas and manufacturers are much MUCH more obliging with honouring warranties etc (we have experienced this first hand!)
I find it a little unusual though that Real Living (which has SO many advertisements for replica furniture companies) tweeted about Authentic Design!
I'm so glad you linked to Fun and VJs too - I love local renovation blogs!!! Thanks!!!
While I'm not a fan of purchasing replica Eames, this actually looks like a great buy. Sometimes not only is hard to afford these vintage chairs, its hard to find them as well.
ReplyDeleteHi Kylie! Can I just say that I really enjoyed reading your post! This is a topic that's of interest to myself and my husband (who works in a creative industry).
ReplyDeleteWe too own original designer pieces and some replicas. I must admit I would feel incredibly uncomfortable buying a replica of a designer who was establishing their career or probably even still living so our replicas have been Eames products (which one day, when we have more money and the replicas have seen better days we intend on replacing with the 'real deal').
One thing can be said for the originals though - they are much more likely to be higher quality than the replicas and manufacturers are much MUCH more obliging with honouring warranties etc (we have experienced this first hand!)
I find it a little unusual though that Real Living (which has SO many advertisements for replica furniture companies) tweeted about Authentic Design!
I'm so glad you linked to Fun and VJs too - I love local renovation blogs!!! Thanks!!!